Breaking down barriers to entrepreneurship

CEO Club

NIACC CEO Club is the local chapter of the national organization, Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization (CEO), founded in 1983 and supports more than 16,500 emerging collegiate entrepreneurs annually. CEO believes that any student, regardless of academic discipline can launch a business.

CEO’s mission is to assist student entrepreneurs in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to create and operate a successful new business venture, while providing value to the campus and the community. Membership is available to all students, regardless of their major.

CEO meets two to three times a month. Please contact the NIACC CEO Club via the Pappajohn Center for updated meeting days and times.

Who should join CEO?

Students on the NIACC campus who want to get involved in a club and who has thought of starting their own business. Business, marketing and design students, engineering, agriculture, career and industry track students - all fields of study are welcome to join CEO! Everyone can benefit from entrepreneurial skills.

CEO Membership Benefits

  • Network with like-minded students
  • Meet and receive mentorship from seasoned experts
  • Opportunities to compete with other student entrepreneurs
  • Leadership training
  • Brainstorm and implement service projects to positively impact the campus and/or the community
  • Access to classes and guidance from the staff at the Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center
  • Discounted registration fees to CEO conferences.

Interested? Questions? Contact the Pappajohn Center (641) 422-4111 or